Kenneth O. Gangel ; Feeding & Leading / Kenneth O. Gangel
Wheaton:: Victor Books, 1989. - 329 p.
   ДКД 253.3
Foreword. - 9
1 Understanding Administrative Process. - 13
2 Functioning as a Spiritual Leader. - 30
3 Cultivating a Biblical Leadership Style. - 48
4 Organizing Yourself and Your Work. - 64
5 Setting and Achieving Goals. – 84
6 Short- and Long-Range Planning. - 100
7 Assessing Needs, Gifts, and Call. - 117
8 Recruiting Effective Volunteers. - 133
9 Changing People and Things. - 149
10 Motivating without Manipulating. - 163
11 Delegating Your Way to Survival. - 175
12 Making Good Team Decisions. - 186
13 Relating to People in Churches and Christian Organizations. - 202
14 Communicating-Leader to Leader. - 213
15 Working with People in Groups. - 227
16 Training for Godliness and Competence. - 240
17 Placing God's Servants in God's Service. - 258
18 Chairing Business Meetings. - 273
19 Supervising and Evaluating Volunteers. - 290
20 Reproducing Leaders Who Reproduce. - 308
Bibliography. - 323

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