David Kuske ; Biblical Interpretation: The Only Right Way / David Kuske
Milwaukee:: Northwestern Publishing House, 1997. - 244 p.
   ISBN 0-8100-0572-7
   ДКД 220.63

This book is a breath of fresh air. Biblical Interpretation: The Only Right Way accepts the Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word og God. It follows the biblical principle that Scripture is its own interpreter. It also puts to rest the accusation that those who hold to biblacal inerrancy must check their reason at the door. It shows that, while reason is always subservient to Scripture, it is useful in the study of Scripture.
Though the author demonstrates his scholarship in the book, he avoids the jargon of scholars. Instead, he writes in language that the layperson will understand. This book belongs in the study of every pastor and teacher and deserves to be read by laypeople as well.

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