Leadership: A Practical Journal For Church Leaders. V.3 N.4. Temptation
: A Publication of Christianity Today, Inc., Fall 1982. - 162 p.
   ДКД 253.305

The Temptations of Ministry: Improwing Your Reserve. Charles Swindoll (p.16)

The War Within: An anatomy of Lust Name Withheld (p.30)

Honest Praise: A Pastor's Emotional Fuel Gary Gonzales (p.39)

When the Biggest Church in Town Isn't Yours Dean Merrill (p.54)

Secrets of Harnessing People Power Donald V. Seibert (p.64)

Counseling Blended Families. Harold Fickett, Janelle Conaway (p.78)

Single Women: Doing the Job in Missions. Tim Stafford (p. 85)

How to Say No Graciously. Douglas J. Rumford (p.93)

Building the Church Staff. Fred Smith (p.99)

Five Temptations of the Pulpit Ben Patterson (p.105)

Transference: Loosening the Tie That Blinds Archibald Hart (p.110)

Leadership Forum. Monney; A Two-Edged Sword Charles Blair, John Byrd, Robert Frederich, Clayton Nietfeld (p.119)

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