Leadership: A Practical Journal For Church Leaders. V.12 N.3. The Supernatural
: A Publication of Christianity Today, Inc., Summer 1991. - 138 p.
   ДКД 253.305

Leadership Forum: The Power and the Presence. Jack Hayford, John Huffman, J. I. Packer, Charles Swindoll (p.14)

Ambassador for an Inscrutable God. Richard Doebler (p.26)

What to Make of Mystic Moments. Chuck Smith, Jr (p.34)

What Changes at Conversion? John Ortberg (p.52)

Spesial Section: Dealing with Deliverance. Wayne Jacobsen, Marguerite Shuster, Joe Wilmoth (p.58)

Regeneration, Deliverance, or Therapy? Arch Hart (p.72)

Stumbling Across the Supernatural. Eugene H. Peterson (p.82)

The Changing Seasons of Ministry. Kent Hughes (p.94)

Confidentiality: Will-You-Tell Overtures. Ken Quick (p.102)

When AIDS Invades the Pastor's Family. Doug Herman (p.110)

Healing the War-Torn Church. Michael Phillips (p.118)

Worship as Pastoral Care. Paul Anderson (p.130)

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