Everyday Theology

за Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Додаткові автори: Kevin J. Vanhoozer -- Vanhoozer K.J.
Опубліковано: Baker Academic (Grand Rapids:) , 2007 Фіз. характеристика: 287 p. ISBN: 0-8010-3167-2. Список(и), у яких присутня ця одиниця: 220.63 - Герменевтика | Герменевтика
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A Reader’s Guide: How to Use This Book. - 7
Part 1 Introduction: Toward a Theory of Cultural Interpretation
1. What Is Everyday Theology? How and Why Christians Should Read Culture. Kevin J. Vanhoozer. - 15
Part 2 Reading Cultural Texts
2. The Gospel according to Safeway: The Checkout Line and the Good Life. Jeremy D. Lawson, Michael J. Sleasman, and Charles A. Anderson. - 63
3. Despair and Redemption: A Theological Account of Eminem. Darren Sarisky. - 81
4. The High Price of Unity: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. David G. Thompson. - 99
5. Between City and Steeple: Looking at Megachurch Architecture. Premkumar D. Williams. - 115
6. Swords, Sandals, and Saviors: Visions of Hope in Ridley Scott’s Gladiator. Michael J. Sleasman. – 133
Part 3 Interpreting Cultural Trends
7. The Business of Busyness: Or, What Should We Make of Martha?. Charles A. Anderson. - 155
8. Welcome to the Blogosphere. Justin A. Bailey. - 173
9. Human 2.0: Transhumanism as a Cultural Trend. Matthew Eppinette. - 191
10.Fantasy Funerals and Other Designer Ways of Going Out in Style. Ben Peays. - 209
Part 4 Concluding Untheoretical Postscript
11. Putting It into Practice: Weddings for Everyday Theologiansю. Charles A. Anderson and Michael J. Sleasman. - 229
Glossary of Methodological Terms. Kevin J. Vanhoozer. - 247
Notes. – 254
Everyday Theologians Information. – 281
Subject Index. – 282
Scripture Index. - 285

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