The case for Spiritual Healing

за Don H. Gross
Додаткові автори: Don H. Gross -- Gross D. H.
Опубліковано: Thomas Nelson & Sons (New York:) , 1958 Фіз. характеристика: 263 p. Список(и), у яких присутня ця одиниця: 231.31 - Дари Святого Духа
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<br>This book is written with a sense of a ground-swell of popular interest in healing through spiritual means. Fifty years back, the Emannuel Movement was almost alone in representing spiritual healing n the major Protestant churches. Ten years ago we heard almost nothing about it in our seminaries; the books on the subject were few; and not many of the people in our congregations knew anything about religious healing except to connect it with Christian Science or Unity.

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