Jesus Christ our Lord

за John F. Walvoord
Додаткові автори: John F. Walvoord -- Walvoord J. F.
Опубліковано: Moody Press (Chicago:) , 1969 Фіз. характеристика: 318 p. ISBN: 0-8024-4325-7. Список(и), у яких присутня ця одиниця: 232 - Христологія
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<br> Analyzing the Old Testament, he shows Christ in its history, typology, and prophecy. Then, in the New Testament, he examines the life and work of the incarnate Christ. The doctrines of atonement, redemption, propitiation, and reconciliation are thoroughly and clearly discussed. The book concludes with an examination of the present and future work of Christ, thus giving the reader a comprehensive study of Christology.

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