Hebrew Syntax An Outline

за Ronald J. Williams
Додаткові автори: Ronald J. Williams -- R. J. Williams
Опубліковано: University of Toronto Press (Toronto:) , 1986 Фіз. характеристика: 122 p. ISBN: 0-8020-2218-9. Список(и), у яких присутня ця одиниця: 491.58 - Норми єврейської мови
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<br> Althougt the morfology and lexicon of Hebrew are reasonable well understood, its syntax has long been a neglected area of study. Syntax, the relationship of words to one another, forms, together with morfology, the material of grammar. Its relative importance varies according to the language considered. This is particularly true of word order, for when an inflected language loses its case endings, word order assumes many of the functions of the former cases.

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