Men Made New

за John R. W. Stott
Додаткові автори: John R. W. Stott -- J. R. W. Stott
Опубліковано: Inter-Varsity Fellowship (London:) , 1966 Фіз. характеристика: 108 p. Список(и), у яких присутня ця одиниця: 227.1 - Послання до Римлян
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<br> The Epistle to the Romans is the fullest and most coherent manifesto of the Christian gospel in the New Testament. In it the apostle Paul unfolds the whole counsel of God - man's sin and lostness, Christ's death to save him, faith in Christ as the sole condition of his acceptance, the work of the Holy Spirit for his growth in holiness, the place of Israel in the purpose of God, and the ethical implications of the gospel. Tere is a grandeur, a comprehensiveness, a logic about his expositions which has commanded the admiration and compelled the study of all succeeding generations.

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