Paul & His Converts

за F. F. Bruce
Додаткові автори: F. F. Bruce -- F. F. Bruce
Опубліковано: InterVarsity Press (Downers Grove:) , 1985 Фіз. характеристика: 155 p. ISBN: 0-87784-593-X. Список(и), у яких присутня ця одиниця: 227 - Послання Нового Завіту
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<br> To answer these questions, F.F. Bruce gives us a fresh look at the relatioship between Paul and the churches he planted. As he considers the letters to the Thessalonians, the Corinthians and the Philippians, Bruce focuses on Paul's pastoral care and the growth of the people he loved so much. Since we face so many of the problems and issues Paul and his converts faced, this we face so many of the problems and the issues Paul and his converts faced, this book acts as a quide for growth.

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