Personal Work

за Percy O. Ruoff
Додаткові автори: Percy O. Ruoff -- P. O. Ruoff
Опубліковано: The Inter-Varsity Fellowship (London:) , 1958 Фіз. характеристика: 96 p. Список(и), у яких присутня ця одиниця: Євангелизм та учнівство | 269.2 - Євангелизм
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Тип одиниці зберігання Поточна бібліотека Шифр зберігання Стан Очікується на дату Штрих-код
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<br> In this book some of the causes of this deficiency are examined and an attempt is made to discover the spiritual and natural qualifications which fit a man for this supremely important task. In the belief that many would be more effective if they received practical help and instruction, chapters are also devoted to an examination of the right kind of approach to certain types of non-Christians and to the need for carefully planned and executed follow-up work.

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