Creation and Evotution

за D. C. Spanner
Додаткові автори: D. C. Spanner -- D. C. Spanner
Опубліковано: Falcon Books (London:) , 1968 Фіз. характеристика: 61 p. ISBN: 85491-508-7. Список(и), у яких присутня ця одиниця: 213 - Науковий креаціонізм
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<br> This little book has been written at the urgent request of a number of friends, and in the midst of a busy life which has left little time for leisurely application to such a task. This brief observation must serve as the author's apology for any serious imperfections in style, logic, or completeness which the reader may notice, and for which the author and not to the several friends who have helped him with their reasoned criticisms,

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