Ministry of the Laity

за James D. Anderson & Ezra Earl Jones Опубліковано: Harper & Row, Publishers (San Francisco:) , 1986 Фіз. характеристика: 152 p. ISBN: 0-06-060194-9. Список(и), у яких присутня ця одиниця: 259 - Інша церковна праця та служіння
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<br> Ministry of the Laity is written for laypeople searching for ways to make a positive difference in our world. This book aims to help laypeople see themselves as subjects who can act in ministry, not as objects who are ministered to. It explores practical exercises of faith in the settings of family, neighborhood, church, work, and society, and details the possibilities and conditions for ordinary people to find goodness and fulfillment throigh Christian service in everyday life.

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