George W. Peters ; A Biblical Theology of Missions / George W. Peters
Chicago:: Moody Press, 1984. - 368 p.
   ISBN 0-8024-0706-4
   ДКД 269.1

Бібліотека ЛБС [04995]


Foreword. - 7

Preface. - 9

Introduction. - 15

Part I - Biblical Foundation of Missions

1. Missionary Theology and Jesus Christ. - 35

2. Missionary Theology and the Nature of God. - 55

3. Missionary Theology and the Old Testament. - 83

4. Missionary Theology and the New Testament. - 131

Part II - Biblical Delineation of Missions

5. The Missionary Task. - 159

6. The Church and Missions. - 199

Part III - Biblical Instruments and Dynamics of Missions

7. The Instruments of Missions. - 245

8. The Dynamics of Missions. - 299

Summary and Conclusion. - 346

Notes. - 352

Bibliography. - 355

Selective Subject Index. - 364

Scripture Index. - 366