Markus Bockmuehl ; Seeing The Word. Refocusing New Testament Study / Markus Bockmuehl
Grand Rapids:: Baker Academic, 2006. - 297 p.
   ISBN 0-8010-2761-6: подарок ЄААА (вересень 2009)
   ДКД 225.101

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Бібліотека ЛБС [06856]
Бібліотека ЛБС [06880]


This is a timely prophetic plea for an evangelical catholic reading of the text (of Scripture) in our own time. Every page crackles with the tension created by dialogue between systematic and historical-critical perspectives. The author's amazingly broad learning is worn lightly in this accessible book, written with an elegance few can match. At last, the circle has been squared: it is possible to take Scripture as God's address to us without ducking awkward historical questions.