F. F. Bruce ; The New Testament Documents / F. F. Bruce
Leicester:: Inter-Varsity Press, 1976. - 128 p.
   ISBN 0-85110-307-3
   ДКД 225.101

Бібліотека ЛБС - 225.101/24 1 - 225.101/24 1 [05934]
Бібліотека ЛБС - 225.101/24 2 - 225.101/24 2 [08872]


Reliable as what? asced a discerning reviewer of the first edition of this little work, by way of a comment on the title. His point, I think, was that we schould be concerned with the reliability of the New Testament as a witness to God's self-revelation in Christ rather than with its reliability as a record of historical fact. For, since Christianity claims to be a historical revelation, it is not irrelevant to look at its foundation documents from the standpoint of historical criticism.