The Church Unleashed

за Frank R. Tillapaugh
Додаткові автори: Frank R. Tillapaugh -- F. R. Tillapaugh
Опубліковано: Regal Books (Ventura:) , 1983 Фіз. характеристика: 224 p. ISBN: 0-8307-0823-5. Список(и), у яких присутня ця одиниця: 261.1 - Роль християнської церкви в суспільстві
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<br> The work of the church is outside the establishment. outside the church. In the world. And it takes every member to do it! Nowhere in the Bible is the world exhorted to 'come to church'. But the church's mandate is clear: she must go to the world. <br> The Church Unleashed is Frank Tillapaugh's challenge to every church member to have this kind of ministry. But more than just challenging the reader, he tells how a church can become unleashed with its ministry and reach out to street people, foreign students, exconvicts, prostitutes, teens, the lonely - anyone with needs.

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