242 - Духовно-повчальна література

This list contains 328 titles

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"Трости надломленной" и "Льна курящегося" by Ричард Сиббс Publication: USA COAH 2012 . 152 с. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/214 1) .
13 человек, которые изменили мир by Х. С. Виджевено Publication: СПб. Центр Христиаснкой литературы 1995 . 128 с. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/124 1) .
3:16 код надежды by Макс Лукадо Publication: СПб.: Христианская Миссия 2009 . 249 с. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
50 Дней для Роста Ведения by Рик Джойнер Publication: К.: пп Скобелкін І. О. 2002 . 156 с. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/105 1) .
Beyond Reason by Pat Robertson Publication: New York: William Morrow and Company 1985 . 178 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Come before Winter ... and Share My Hope by Charles R. Swindoll Publication: Portland Multnomah Press 1985 . 352 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/168 1) .
Crazy Love , Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan Publication: Colorado Springs David C. Cook 2013 . 221 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/319 1) .
Desperate for New Wine , The Doorway Into Your Harvest by David Herzog Publication: Shippensburg Destiny Image Publishers, Inc 2010 . 205 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/317 1) .
Facing Loneliness by J. Oswald Sanders Publication: Grand Rapids: Discovery House 1990 . 175 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Following Jesus in Turbulent Times. Disciple-Making in the Arab World by Hikmat Kashout Publication: Carlisle Langham Partnership 2018 . 130 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/268 1) .
God's Will For Your Life by Bruce Reekie Publication: Chichester Sovereign World Limited 1991 . 69 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/272 1) .
Gods of Ground Zero by Carl Callups Publication: Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/316 1) .
His Imprint My Expression by Kay Arthur Publication: Eugene: Harvest House Publishers 1993 . 331 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
I've Got to Talk to Somebody, God by Marjorie Holmes Publication: Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1969 . 121 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
In God's Waiting Room by Lehman Strauss Publication: Chigago: Moody Press 1985 . 105 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
In the Beginning by Max Lucado Publication: Wheaton Crossway Books 2006 . 32 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/49 1) .
Inside The Mind of Unchurched Harry & Mary. How To Reach Friends And Family Who Avoid God And The Church by Lee Strobel Publication: Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House 1993 . 236 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Let me out! by Wally Armbruster Publication: Portland: Multnomah Press 1985 . 126 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Life's Little Handbook of Wisdom by Bruce and Cheryl Bickel, Stan and Karin Jantz Publication: Uhrichsville A Barbour Book . 127 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (242/126 1) .
Love and Accepting Myself by David Batty Publication: Rehrersburg: National Teen Challenge 1984 Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
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