248 - Особисте релігійне життя

This list contains 208 titles

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50 Years in the Service of the King by George A. Chambers Publication: Toronto: The Testimony Press 1960 . 48 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
666 by Salem Kirban Publication: Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (248/198 1) .
A Man Called Peter by Catherine Marshall Publication: New York: A Fawcett Crest Book 1951 . 352 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
A New Wind Blowing! by Charles R. Tarr Publication: Anderson The Warner Press 1972 . 123 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (248/108 1) .
A Physician's Amazing Account of Being Caught Up Into Paradise by Richard E. Eby Publication: Old Tappan: Fleming H. Revell Company 1971 . 237 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
By My Spirit by Jonathan Goforth Publication: Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship 1964 . 138 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Compelled by Love by Heidi Baker Publication: Lake Mary Charisma House 2008 . 157 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (248/203 1) .
Count It All Joy by Grady Wilson Publication: Nashville: Broadman Press 1984 . 203 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Daktar / Diplomat in Bangladesh by Viggo B. Olsen Publication: Old Tappan: Spire Books 1975 . 462 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Face up with a miracle by Don Basham Publication: Monroeville: Whitaker House 1969 . 191 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Facts of Faith by John Murdock Publication: Oshava: . 64 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
First We Have Coffee by Margaret Jensen Publication: San Bernardino Here's Life Publishers, Inc 1982 . 185 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (248/128 1) .
How Great Oh God Thou Art by Coralee Haist Publication: Hong Kong: Yee Tin Tong Printing Press 1969 . 274 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
How I Met God by Sam Jenkins Publication: . 107 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (248/97 1) .
Hudson Taylor's story of his early life and the forming of the China Inland Mission by J. Hudson Taylor Publication: Philadelphia China Inland Mission . 108 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (248/129 1) .
In His Steps by Charles M. Sheldon Publication: Chicago: The John C. Winston Company 1937 . 264 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Jesus Freaks   Publication: Tulsa Albury Publishing 1999 . 383 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (248/130 1) .
Joni by Joni Eareckson Publication: Minneapolis World Wide Publications 1976 . 192 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (248/132 1) .
Led by Faith/ Rissing from the Ashes of the Rwandan Genocide by Immaculee Ilibagiza, Steve Ervin Publication: Carlsbad | California | New York City | London | Sydney | Johannesburg | Vancouver | Hong Kong | New Delhi Hay House 2008 . 207 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (248/185 1) .
Miracle in the Mirror by Mark Buntain Publication: Brampton: Compassion Publishing Company 1981 . 155 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
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