269.1 - Місіологія

This list contains 44 titles

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8 уроков миссиологии: библейский, исторический, культурный, стратегический аспекты   Publication: М.: Духовоное возрождение 2003 . 80 с. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
A Biblical Theology of Missions by George W. Peters Publication: Chicago: Moody Press 1984 . 368 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
A People for His Name by Paul A. Beal Publication: Grand Rapids: Baker Book House 1988 . 234 p. , Figures 1. Evangelizing the Unsaved. — 4 2. Edifying the Believers. — 7 3. Map: Paul's First Missionary Journey. — 8 4. Establishing Local Churches. — 9 5. The Pauline Model for the Church's Missions. — 11 6. Pauline Model: Cultural Milieu. — 14 7. Preparation—Old Testament. — 32 8. Presentation—New Testament. — 39 9. The Two Mandates. — 40 10. The Church Defined. — 49 11. The Pastor's Role. — 51 12. A Church-Based Mission Strategy. — 60 13. The Wheel of Missions. — 60 14. Enlistment Roles. — 64 15. Authorizing Chain of Authority. — 69 16. Candidate Procedure. — 72 17. Deputation Procedure. — 72 18. Missions Budget Plans. — 78 19. Missions Budgetary Principles. — 84 20. Structured Prayer in the Local Church. — 90 21. Missionary Evaluation Schedule. — 92 22. Organizational Guidelines for a Missions Policy: Part I. — 95 23. Organizational Guidelines for a Missions Policy: Part II. — 97 24. Missions Promotion in the Local Church. — 103 25. Planning the Missionary Conference. — 106 26. The Agency's Outreach Resources. — 112 27. Communication Loops. — 116 28. Delegated Authority to the Agency. — 117 29. The Agency's Partnership Role. — 118 30. Types of Mission Agencies. — 120 31. Functions of the Mission Agency. — 123 32. Theological Traditions of Mission Agency Groupings. — 135 33. Missionary Accountability. — 139 34. Missionary Responsibility. — 149 35. Cross-Cultural Educational Goals. — 171 36. The Order and Relationship of the Theological Disciplines. — 178 37. A Functional Approach to Theological Study. — 179 38. The Training of Missionaries. — 181 39. Steps in a Missionary Career Path. — 190 40. Dynamic of the Holy Spirit. — 196 41. The Imperative of Christ's Coming. — 207 Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
An Evangelical Theology of Missions by Harold Lindsell Publication: Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House 1970 . 234 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Cross - Cultural Servanthood by Duane Elmer Publication: Downers Grove: IVP Books 2006 . 212 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Foolishness to the Greeks by Lesslie Newbigin Publication: Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 1995 . 156 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Foreign to Familiar by Sarah A. Lanier Publication: Hagerstown: McDougal Publishing 2000 . 128 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Global Missiology for the 21st century by William D. Taylor Publication: Grand Rapids: Baker Academic 2000 . 564 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Let the Whole World Know by Richard R. DeRidder and Roger S. Greenway Publication: Grand Rapids: Baker Book House 1988 . 203 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС Бібліотека ЛБС
More Than a Native Speaker by Don Snow Publication: Alexandria: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. 1996 . 322 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement by Ralph D. Winter, Steven C. Hawthorne Publication: Pasadena: William Carey Library 1981 . 846 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Revolution in World Missions by K. P. Yohannan Publication: Carrollton: Gospel for Asia 2000 . 212 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Tentmakers speak by Don Hamilton Publication: Ventura: Regal Books 1989 . 99 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
The Bible and Missions: A Study Guide by Delmer R. Guynes Publication: Irving: ICI University Press 1996 . 265 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
The Progress of World-Wide Missions by Robert Hall Glover Publication: New York-London: Harper & Brothers Publishers 1953 . 418 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
The Question of South Africa by Paul B. Smith Publication: Toronto: The Peoples Press 1961 . 126 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
What in the World is God Doing? by C. Gordon Olson Publication: Cedar Knolls: Global Gospel Publishers 2002 . 376 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Библейское послание к горожанам by Реймонд Бакке Publication: К. Украинская евангельская теологическая семинария 2019 . 159 с. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (269.1/42 1) .
Богословие размером с город by Рей Бакке Publication: Черкассы Коллоквиум 2018 . 248 с. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (269.1/38 1) .
Вечность в их сердцах by Дан Ричардсон Publication: Курск: Научный Библейский Центр "Апологет" 2007 . 192 с. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
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