220.7 - Коментарі до Біблії

This list contains 176 titles

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1 & 2 Peter by Douglas Harink Publication: Grand Rapids Brazos Press 2009 . 203 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/132 1) , Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/132 2) .
1 & 2 Thessalonians: The Niv Application Commentary by Michael W. Holmes Publication: Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House 1998 . 303 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
1 and 2 Thessalonians: Crossway Bible Guide by Alec Motyer and Steve Motyer Publication: Glasgow: Caledonian International Book Manufacturing Ltd. 1999 . 192 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
1 и 2 Послания Петра, Послание Иуды by Дэниел Пауэрс Publication: СПб. Издательство "Вера и святость" | Христианское общество "Библия для всех" 2016 . 368 с. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/170 1) .
A Commentary on the Whole Bible by Henry’s M. Publication: . 1238 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
A Commentary on the Whole Bible by Henry’s M. Publication: . 1153 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС Бібліотека ЛБС
A Commentary on the Whole Bible by Henry’s M. Publication: . 888 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
A Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry’s Publication: . 1188 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
A Commentary on the Whole Bible by Henry’s M. Publication: . 1506 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
A Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry's Publication: Old Tappan: Fleming H. Revell Company . 1101 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС Бібліотека ЛБС
Acts: The Niv Application Commentary by Ajith Fernando Publication: Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House 1998 . 656 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible by Ralph Earle Publication: Grand Rapids Baker Book House 1967 . 1356 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/122 1) .
Commentary on the New Testament , The Four Gospels by Right Rev. W. Walsham How Publication: London Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1880 Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/174 1) , Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/174 2) .
Commentary on the Old Testament , The Pentateuch   Publication: London Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1885 Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/173 1) .
Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry Publication: Grand Rapids Zondervan Publishing House 1963 . 1986 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/121 1) .
Commentary on the whole Bible: Genesis to Revelation by Henry’s M. Publication: 1974 . 1986 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Daniel: The Niv Application Commentary by Tremper Longman III Publication: Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House 1999 . 313 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
Deuteronomy by Telford Work Publication: Grand Rapids Brazon Press 2009 . 333 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/130 1) , Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/130 2) .
Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon by Arthur G. Patzia Publication: Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers 1990 . 311 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС (220.7/138 1) .
Epositions of Holy Scripture. John by Alexander Maclaren Publication: Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co 1932 . 402 p. Holdings: Бібліотека ЛБС
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